Friday, October 17, 2008

But I thought you had it?

Where has it gone?
Isn't it there?
By the thing next to that little fella thing.
What? No.
You had it last.
But I gave it to you.
I put it down!
I don't know!
Why are you asking me then?
Because I thought you had it!
What are you looking for?

The fun and games of living three to a van.

Come and join us while we play the "let's keep it here from now on" game.

Watch open mouthed as Anne tears the van apart looking for the mossie repelant, gives up then blames us for having to look daft in front of people as she applies factor 30 sunblock at nine at night, leaving the inside of the van looking like a fight between three sumos chasing a badger took place.

Stand agog as Phil spends an hour moving stuff, tidying things, and putting items away only to have it all pop back up and splay itself in disarray as soon as he turns his back.

Laugh out loud (lol, he he he) as Gareth looks for the lighter to start the gas cooker, searches the same place nine times, hassles Phil, hustles Anne, harries passersby, and attempts the age-old abusing invisible foes game, muttering obscenities, only to find it where he least expected it, in his pocket. You knew that was where he'd find it all along didn't you.

Have a gander at the 'where's the map?', 'what map?', 'the map map!' shenanegans. They amuse no one in particular, but they keep appearing.

Be a fly-on-the-van-door while we ask the questions on almost nobodys lips, like "whose dirty sock is this?" "why is there a pair of wet grundies on the drivers seat?" "do you have to put your armpits so close to my face" and the oft-repeated seldom answered "what's that smell?"

Honestly, and you thought you had it bad! Pff.

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